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NewsNewsNorthgate Fitness Boot Camp Summer 2015

Northgate Fitness Boot Camp Summer 2015

Seattle 10-Week Fitness Transformation

July 13 to Sept 19, 2015

ON SALE NOW – Save Up to $70.00!!!

Tired of doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results? If you are unsatisfied with the way you currently look and feel, it’s time for YOU to take the CHALLENGE!

This dynamic program features kickboxing classes, boxing classes, TRX Suspension Training, yoga, strength and core training / toning, personal fitness coaches and nutritional counseling.

For women AND men.

Get Lean. Get Strong. Get RESULTS!

2The MAX10 10-Week Boot Camp Challenge (formerly the 10-Week Body Sculpt Challenge) is an intensive 10-week program with high level coaching for weight-loss and lifestyle changes.   Classes are held 5 days a week for 60 minutes each session.  We provide all the tools for you to get the results you want in this signature fitness program.

Located in the Northgate neighborhood of North Seattle, the MAX10 Fitness & Boot Camp program has helped 1,000’s of Seattle residents fall in love with fitness over the last 10 years and we can help you too.  Our 24,000 square foot facility features ample parking, childcare, showers, open gym membership, lounge, free wi-fi and more…

Watch our teaser trailer and read our testimonials below:

[creativ_accordion][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 1 – Anya Z.” onload=”open”]”Go. Immediately. Sign up. You won’t be sorry but your fat will be!

I’ve been wanting to try some kind of kickboxing-type class for some time now…” “I finally stopped by for a trial class. OMG. I thought I was in pretty decent shape but boy was I sorely mistaken (literally)! After the trail class I picked myself up off the ground, wiped away the sweat pouring down my face and signed up for the MAX10 5 week course.”

“…a kick butt, super intense, theraputic (yes, theraputic. Punching and kicking the bags after a long day at work does wonders) workout that will get you seeing and feeling the improvement doesn’t seem so bad.

Give it a try. There are trial classes all the time but I warn you; you will be hooked 🙂

Anya Z. From Yelp – Still a MAX10 Member

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 2 – Shannon S.” onload=”closed”]”I am currently enrolled in the 10 week body sculpt challenge, and I love it. I absolutely SUCK at all things gym related. Even as far back as high school, I did better in group classes then on my own as an individual. Maybe its a mob mentality, I dunno.

If youre like me, and you haven’t been able to start and keep a fitness routine, MKG can help, and if anything get you kick started. Or you never know, you might be like me, and end up wanting to sign up for session after session because its the most productive thing you do with your day.

Shannon S. From Yelp

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.
[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 3 – Cindy B.” onload=”closed”]”How can I thank MKG enough?!!?

This program is indeed a challenge! Five days a week.. sweating and thinking, ‘there’s no way I can do this…’

And then, you do it.

It’s a stellar workout, never boring, plenty of one on one instruction and encouragement. There’s nutrition counseling, modifications for different ablilities, no one is so serious that it isn’t fun.

This is a way to get a serious workout while you feel like you’re just playing!

I’ve done this challenge a couple of times now.. there’s plenty of room to keep growing within it, and every day, I realize I can do more than I ever thought.

How can you thank someone for changing your life? I guess a review and a thank you will have to do!

Cindy B. From Yelp

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 4 – Tanya G.” onload=”closed”]

“I just completed the 8th week of their 10 week MAX10 Fitness Program and great things are happening… so I’m thinking I need to sign up for another round. I’ve lost 16 lbs and I can do more push-ups and sit-ups than I could at the start. In other great news, I’m off my blood pressure medication, which I’d been on for over 6 years. After staying off medication for 10 days, I just visited my doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was normal and lower than it ever was on medication.

All that I owe to MKG’s MAX10 kick-ass program and their awesome instructors. They come everyday with varied workouts so you don’t get bored but you always walk (maybe crawl or limp) out after a great workout drenched in sweat (at least I always do). I especially love the punching and kicking. I don’t think my life will be quite the same now if I had to stop that and I’m seriously thinking about getting a Wavemaster so I can punch and kick to my heart’s content at home.”

Tanya G From Yelp. – Former MAX10 Session Winner

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 5 – Gretchen Z.” onload=”closed”]

Fun and Effective – the BEST CLASS EVER – “… for the first time in my life I actually enjoy working out. I feel really good (physically and mentally), can see and feel changes in my body, and am disappointed when I have to miss a day.” … “The workouts also support a variety of fitness levels – there are people in the class who are getting into shape for the first time in their lives and people who are really strong and already in great shape. Although more expensive than a gym membership, what you get out of the class far outweighs the cost (plus, unlike a gym, you’ll probably actually go).”

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 6 – Erica D.” onload=”closed”]

Erica D. – BODY SCULPT FOR ALL, really! – “MKG should stand for Masterful Kinetic Geniuses…this community of MKG’s are so supportive and enthusiastic about you reaching your personal goals, that they have designed a class that allows you to get rid of the stress of your day, shed pounds/body fat, and get in shape, all while having FUN! Never would I have thought to join a studio for Martial Arts…too intimidating for me, a virtual non-athlete, and never would I think that I could work so hard, and never look at the clock. I have loved this class so much, and had such great results, that I recruited my mom! My favorite result is that I can now keep up with my kids when we hike and cross-country ski, and it’s so much more enjoyable!”

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 7 – Gillian.” onload=”closed”]

In my first 10 week MKG Body Sculpt session I lost 22 pounds (three pant sizes!) My success was from a combination of the 5 day a week program and a commitment to a very strict diet. When I began the program, I couldn’t do a sit up or push up without wanting to throw up! But the increase in my physical strength, stamina and balance was significant after just a few weeks. I was amazed to see definition in my muscles emerge. It is no understatement to say this program changed my life. I love how I look and how I feel. — Gillian, 44

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.

[/creativ_toggle][creativ_toggle accordion=”1″ icon=”” heading=”Testimonial 8 – Julie J.” onload=”closed”]

I started the class hoping to lose my grad school stress weight and I told myself if I was going to do this, I need to fully commit to it. But I’m that girl who joins a gym but on the way home from work ends up “feeling exhausted” after the day and drive on home. So I told myself I would turn in the food log to keep myself accountable. My officemate offered to slap my hand any time I went near the candy drawer (which of course is housed in our office for our entire group). More coworkers found out what I was doing and were always checking in about the class and the diet. As the stress levels at work increased, class became a great way to channel all my frustration and stress from work (especially with the instructors in your ear saying “I know you can go faster” and “I know you can hit harder than that.”). Even with all the support though, my biggest motivation was that this was all for me. – Julie J., lost 25 lbs

Disclaimer: Of course we can’t promise results like this for everyone but if you follow the program you can expect a change on the scale or in the mirror.


This comprehensive program includes:

  • Five awesome fat burning and body toning workouts each week
  • Free boxing gloves
  • Prizes for best results and perfect attendance *
  • Your own personal Challenge Coach
  • Weekly lifestyle change challenges
  • Body composition and progress evaluation in Weeks 1, 5, and 10
  • Weekly weigh-in
  • Small group training and awesome camaraderie
  • Nutrition seminar or one-on-one nutrition coaching
  • Before and after photos
  • Unlimited email/phone coaching
  • On-going motivation and accountability
  • Private Facebook Group

* (You must do Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing to be eligible to win prizes during the bootcamp)

Boot camp is held Monday-Friday with makeup classes available on Saturday morning.  Here are the 3 time options:

(Childcare included)

On Sale and Enrolling Now – Space Is EXTREMELY LIMITED

$349 – Pre-Registration (June 1 to June 30)
$399 – Late Registration (July 1-July 11)
$419 – Regular Price (July 12)

Visit our online store right now to reserve your spot HERE.

(GET AN EARLY START! As a special bonus all incoming participants can get a discounted rate on regular classes between 6/13 and 7/12.)

For more information call us immediately at 206-457-2101 or use the form below.

Enter Your Name, Email and Phone Number For More Details and Your FREE Guides…


If you’re looking for a fitness bootcamp or boot camp in the North Seattle neighborhoods of Northgate, Lake City, Greenwood, Ravenna or even Shoreline check it out.



11552 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125

Copyright © 2025 MAX10 Fitness & Boot Camp | All Rights Reserved.

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